domingo, 7 de agosto de 2011

Cosas que Odio / Things I Hate

Una de las cosas que más odio en este mundo es… Hello Kitty… la puta gata está en todas partes! Dios mío que asco le tengo! Os prometo que no puedo con ella, creo que es una de esas cosas que han explotado y saturado tanto que termina convirtiéndose en objeto de odio.

One of the things I hate most in this world is ... Hello Kitty, the fucking cat is everywhere! Oh God I hate it so much!  I promise that I can't with it, I think it's one of those things that have exploded and saturated ends up as an object of hatred.


My eyes are bleeding!!

Hasta en la sopa...
Gaga's Hello Kitty dress

Hello Katy?
Hoy en día podemos encontrar un sin fin de objetos personalizados con la maldita gata sin boca, desde material escolar, hasta un avión, pasando obviamente, por la moda…

Today we can find an endless array of custom objects with the damn cat without a mouth, from school supplies to a airplane, passing obviously, fashion ...

Yes... it's for Men...

Oh, my God...

no coment...

It's really cute... but I still hate the F*cking Kitty!

Y vosotros? Sois pro o anti Hello Kitty? Creeis que está sobresaturada? O le sacaríais más jugo?

And you? You're pro or anti Hello Kitty? You think that is supersaturated? Or you make more products?

I Must confess I like it! Is so fun!!